
Homegrown Broccoli Sprouts

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Homegrown Broccoli Sprouts are easy to grow and cost way less than the ones you buy at the store. They are also always fresh!



One 32 oz. Mason Jar with sprouting lid

4 Tbsp. Organic Broccoli Seeds

Filtered Water


  1. Pour four tablespoons of the broccoli sprout seeds into the mason jar.
  2. Fill the jar 3/4 full with clean, filtered water.
  3. Place on a window sill overnight.
  4. The next day pour out the water and turn the jar to adhere the seeds to the sides and bottom of the jar.
  5. Place the jar upside down on a plate and put back onto the window sill.
  6. You will then pour water back into the jar, swirl the seeds around, drain, and place back on the sill twice more during the day. Those sprouts are going to be thirsty!
  7. After about three to five days your sprouts will be ready to eat. It may take longer depending on how warm it is in your house and how much indirect sunlight they get.