My Husband Lee and I in Florida 2024 – Photo Credit: VeeAnnInPixels
Family, Friends, and Food
About Me and A Tasty Adventure – I am a lover of life, family, friends, and food. This food blog is an expression of that love and a way to share the delicious recipes that I create in my kitchen. In 2016 while seemingly at the peak of health, I was touched by a worrisome health diagnosis, DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in situ). It sounds pretty scary, especially that “carcinoma” part.
Where Did This Come From?
This diagnosis was extremely disconcerting because I really believed that I was as healthy as I could be. You can read more about this in my post: My DCIS Journey. I love good, clean foods but being known locally as “The Pie Lady” and “Cake Lady” there has always been a fair share of sweets in my life.
Getting older, as we all do eventually, I have seen many friends and family members suffering with a variety of health problems. Unfortunately, I have lost quite a few to disease. Chronic diseases that may have been prevented if only the body was given the proper nutrients and love to heal.
From About Me to About You
So now it is my goal to help others to heal their bodies through food and nutrition. Of course, there should always be room for an occasional splurge – (insert favorite naughty food here) – but the majority of what we eat should be nourishing and healing. Besides, doesn’t eating good, clean, nutritious food make you feel good?!
Join Me on A Tasty Adventure
I hope that learning about me and trying my recipes inspires you to take better control of your eating habits and your health. Sometimes you don’t realize how important your health is until you are about to lose it. I know that this is the case for me and I’m now on my way to being Super Healthy.

Yours in Healing,