You Need Hydration

Day 4 – Hydration Is Key

Hydration with Water

January 30, 2025

You Need Good Water For Hydration

The whole point of water fasting is to heal your body so it is important to understand that this means you need plenty of hydration. What is good water? Good water is free from chemicals and additives. The best way to ensure that you have a good, clean source is to make a small investment into some type of filter. That could be a Brita filter, a countertop gravity filter such as a Berkey, or a Multipure under the counter filter. I have a Propur, a Multipure, and a LeveLuk. I take filtering water seriously!


Plastic is always a no-no especially when you are doing a water fast! Yes, I know, it is easy to just pick up some bottles at the store and start chugging but did you know that there are hundreds of thousands of chemicals in bottled water?! Just ask the NIH. This happens because the companies who produce them have to watch their bottom lines. Big companies that push bottled water are in it for the money. The quicker that they get those bottles to market and sold, the more money they make.

Why are there so many chemicals in bottled water? Here are some of the reasons:

  1. There is no gas-off time for the newly made bottles
  2. They are filled immediately after production
  3. The bottles then sit in warehouses waiting for orders to come in
  4. Once received, bottles are sometimes put into store windows and exposed to sunlight

All of these reasons plus varying temperatures cause more of the chemicals from the bottles to leach into the water. The worst thing to do is to leave a bottle directly in sunlight or to freeze it. Have you noticed the bottles getting thinner as well? Companies are cutting costs at the expense of your health. This creates even more problems with the leaching of chemicals. UGH!

A Good Water Bottle – Your Health is Worth the Investment


I have a few good bottles to bring with me wherever I go. Some are stainless steel like the Hydro Flask. My favorite bottle (below) is from Hawaii – cool right?! It is from Blue Bottle Love. The company imports the glass bottles from Italy and then engraves them with a variety of designs. They are very Eco-conscious which makes me happy to buy from them.

Glass Bottled Water for Hydration

If you ever see me around town I am most likely carrying this bottle with me. It is twenty-five ounces and helps me to get my healthy hydration for the day. I always take it full into the sauna with me.

Full of What?!

LevLuk K8

Good water of course! I did make another rather large investment into my health with a Kangen Machine. This baby puts out high-alkaline water loaded with hydrogen. You know those Smart bottles at the store? Not so smart! You are paying a lot of money for high-alkaline H2O that is dosed with baking soda and chemicals.

Always Drink Filtered Water

Avoiding plastic bottles means that you will have to drink tap water. That is fine but just be sure to use some type of filter. You don’t need a big fancy filter just one that gets the job done. A good, low-cost filter that removes PFAS (forever chemicals in tap water) would be the ZeroWater 7-Cup Ready-Pour 5-Stage Water Filter Pitcher. This pitcher removes lead, chromium, PFOA/PFOS, and mercury.

If you are looking for a bigger filter that removes over 200+ contaminants from your drinking water then the Travel Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter is what you need. It is more expensive but you get what you pay for. I use every filter that I own because we use a lot of water in my house. I refuse to drink tap water straight from the tap. Fill a white ceramic cup with tap water and see what color it is. It should be colorless. Mine usually has a yellowish tinge. 😲

I think it is funny how everyone says that their town has such “good water”. If you think that then you are greatly mistaken. Those PFAS could be in your tap water no matter where you live. The Environmental Working Group has an interactive map which shows where the forever chemicals have been found in the U.S.

You might even consider getting a filtration system for your entire house. When you take a shower you are absorbing a lot of water through your skin. Along with that water you could be getting those chemicals that you are trying to avoid.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!

A water fast involves being fully hydrated but did you know that there is also dry fasting. Dry fasting means that you have absolutely no liquids or food. Not even water! Some people do this for religious holidays but it really is not a good idea. We need water for so many bodily functions and without it you could be come severely dehydrated. Dry fasting could cause bad side effects such as kidney problems, constipation, irritability, lightheadedness, and fatigue. You would also be missing crucial electrolytes.

It is hard enough to do a water fast so I could not even imagine doing a dry fast. I will stick with the clean, filtered water and suggest you do the same.

Okay, I’ll Get Off of My Soapbox

I just wanted to let you know about the importance of hydration. You are what you drink and I am drinking healthy and clean as I am in my fourth day of a five-day water fast! Tomorrow at 12:30 pm I will be starting my fifth!

Wish me luck.